Languages: Mandarin, Cantonese, English
Tune Mun: Course monthly HKD 450 above
Kowloon / Hong Kong Island: Course monthly HKD 600 above
Participants are required to be paid in the first three months of expenses, after the monthly pay。 (Download Taiji application from)
Outsource course tuition: Negotiable
Taiji Qigong tuition:
Course whole Period HKD 3600 (membership fee) - (4 class per month, full of course 3 months to complete) (Download Taiji Qigong application from)
Membership fee: Annually HKD 100 / Permanent membership fee HKD 1000 (Download membership application form)
Payment :Bank of China (HK) Ltd, A/C: 012-889-00117580 / Hong Kong Bank, A/C: 178-758926-838
Cheque:Gu Qing Tai Ji Zen Health Workshop
Enquire phone: 90140613
Course Timetable
Taiji Course location